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Today's Devotional: God's Gardens
There are two especially famous gardens in the Bible: Eden and Gethsemane. The first is well...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Wearing The Jersey, Not On The Team - #4229
Right place, right look, accepted as someone who belonged - but he wasn't really on the team. Oh, when it's a football team, no major harm done. But when it happens on God's team, it's the difference between heaven and hell. That's why Paul gave a riveting warning to the folks in one of the churches he started.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Checking the Contents - #5619
If you allow something polluted or dead in there, it will continue to contaminate the well for a long time. That's why we have such a hard time forgetting a dirty joke or a movie scene for so long. Sin-stained stuff makes a deeper impression than we could ever imagine. So long after the song is off the charts or the show is over, the pollution planted by them will live in your heart and continue to poison your thoughts and desires.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Checking Your Cargo - #3828
Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew 12:34-35. Here's what Jesus says. "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." Jesus suggests sort of a spiritual EKG here, to show what's going on in your heart. Just listen to how you talk, what you talk about. Your words continually betray what your heart is really full of. We unload verbally whatever cargo we have to give.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Heaven's Cardiology - #3915
God's been in the business of changing hearts for a long time. If you know a heart that could use some changing right now, start praying for that miracle every day.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Navigator and the Map - #5592
As you look at what's ahead, you wish you had a detailed map. You don't. And even if you do, it is subject to all kinds of variables beyond your control. There's nothing in these verses about trusting in the plan, in the map. You don't have a map, but you do have a navigator. And He has the map. Just like me and my wife on a trip in new territory. I don't have to see the map. I just need to trust the navigator - to pay attention to the Navigator.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Treasure in the Dirt - #5593
But remember what happened in that garden. They found precious treasure in the dirt; in a place you would never expect to find it. That's how it is with really getting close to Jesus. The greatest treasures are often found in the grit and dirt of our pain and our pressure.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Handle's On the Inside - #5595
This painting was based on Jesus' own words, recorded in our word for today from the Word of God, Revelation 3:20. It was a statement made originally to believers who had left Jesus out of their lives. But it also provides a wonderful word picture of the process by which any person begins a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Beauty of a Perennial - #5601
God has created you and me with this vacancy inside that can only be filled with something eternal; something that has no ending. And that's why that hole in your heart has never really gone away. Friendships end, romances end, even marriages, by death or divorce end. And every pleasure ends; every experience ends. And our heart gets tired of saying again, "It's over." God made you for something perennial - something that's never over!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Putting On Your Glasses, Getting On Your Knees - #5609
Nehemiah has a heavy burden on his heart. It's the news that God's people and God's city are a mess. And it drives him to his knees for weeks of praying about it. I don't know what's weighing heavy on your heart right now, but I hope it's driven you to your knees. Maybe like Nehemiah, you feel powerless to solve this one. Then you'll be interested in how he ends up praying after initially focusing on the situation. Praying about the situation changes how he looks at almost everything.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Communicating Better - #8020
The fact is, most of us are not communication majors. We could use some help in communicating with our spouse, with our kids, with our coworkers, with people in general.